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Elected on March 5, 2024  in the
Massachusetts Presidential Primary 


Members are elected every four years as part of the Presidential Primary (Democrat ballot), or appointed to fill vacancies.


Wellfleet Democratic Town Committee

(30 Members)


  1. Susan Anthony

  2. Kathleen Bacon

  3. Moe Barocas

  4. Yvonne Barocas

  5. Elaine Baskin

  6. Lisa Bergeron

  7. Sara Blandford

  8. Barbara Daitch Cary

  9. Esther Elkin

  10. Cynthia Franklin

  11. Ara Ishkanian

  12. Suzanne Ryan-Ishkanian

  13. Suzanne Lawlor

  14. Janet Lesniak

  15. Sheila Lyons

  16. Carol Magenau

  17. Michele Olem

  18. Brian Quigley

  19. Candace Perry

  20. Pamela Poindexter

  21. Evelyn Savage

  22. Liberty Schilpp

  23. Bonnie Shepard

  24. Joshua Stiles

  25. Patricia Stiles

  26. Charles Thibodeau

  27. Lydia Vivante

  28. To be appointed

  29. To be appointed

  30. To be appointed


Effective April 4, 2024


Lydia Vivante, Chair

Morris Barocas, Vice-Chair

Patricia Stiles, Treasurer

Elaine Baskin, Secretary

Lisa Bergeron, Affirmative Action/Outreach Advisor


A reorganization meeting (to elect new or reelect current Wellfleet DTC officers) took place on April 13, 2024




Members: Effective April 4, 2024

Officers: Effective April 13, 2024 


We increased the number of Town Committee members from 20 to 30  (as of August 1, 2019).




Wellfleet Democratic Town Committee   PO Box 27   Wellfleet, Massachusetts 02667


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