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Welcome to the Wellfleet Democratic Town Committee website!



'Wellfleet Dems' come together monthly to work on grassroots organizing, progressive causes, and local, state, and national campaigns.  



When do the Wellfleet Dems meet?  

Our business meetings typically take place on the second Saturday of every month from 9:30 to 11AM. Weekday meetings periodically.To discuss an idea, suggest an agenda item or a guest speaker, please email



What Is the Wellfleet Democratic Town Committee?

It is the heart of grassroots organizing of Democrats in Wellfleet. 



What do the Wellfleet Dems do?

We provide a forum for learning about and understanding Democratic objectives and campaigns, help with registration, voter turnout, fundraising. Have a look at the minutes of one of our meetings for a detailed view of our activities.



Wellfleet Democratic Town Committee is a founding member of the Outer Cape Democratic Coalition -- Provincetown, Truro, Wellfleet, Eastham, Orleans, Brewster working together



Annual or ongoing programs and events

Wellfleet Democrats Caucus (to elect delegates to the State Democratic Convention)

Barbara Gray Legacy Award Dinner (co-sponsor)

Candidates Forum and Straw Poll (co-sponsor)








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